San Francisco Hotels 博物馆级别的公共艺术 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
"哈默林的魔笛手"国内仅有的两件麦克斯菲尔德·帕里什酒吧艺术品之一. 它于1909年首次亮相.


并不是所有伟大的艺术作品都被封闭在博物馆的墙后或在贝博体彩app的传统画廊展出. Many are gracing the halls of the hotels you're staying at.

并非所有伟大的艺术作品都被封闭在博物馆的墙后或在传统的画廊展出. 贝博体彩app许多令人难以置信的艺术收藏品都是这座城市酒店不可或缺的一部分. The result is a treasure trove of 雕塑, 绘画, 壁画, 还有一些世界上最著名的艺术家的挂毯,你可以在一个宏伟的大厅的引人注目的背景下欣赏,也可以在你时髦的房间的墙上近距离地欣赏.

从历史悠久的皇宫酒店里Maxfield Parrish的传奇画《贝博体彩》到艺术酒店里Shepard Fairey的涂鸦艺术, 我们提炼了一些非凡的作品,你可以在下次入住或任何时候参观时欣赏, 无需登记.  


The newest addition to San Francisco's Mission Bay neighborhood, LUMA酒店, 它本身就是一件艺术品吗! 外部包裹着变色的灯光艺术,使它从远处脱颖而出. 另外, 三层楼的大堂区域悬挂着著名艺术家吉姆·坎贝尔(Jim Campbell)的作品.  题为 螺旋跟踪, this dynamic installation looks different from every vantage point. Grab a drink at the cafe and enjoy the beauty of these pieces of art and more!



Enter this landmark historic hotel’s stunning Garden Court and its marble columns, 巨大的吊灯, and majestic atrium crowned with more than 80,000 panes of stained 玻璃 will take your breath away. Then cozy up to the swanky Pied Piper Bar, where you can sip a cocktail or dine on American cuisine under "哈默林的魔笛手"国内仅有的两件麦克斯菲尔德·帕里什酒吧艺术品之一. Commissioned in the aftermath of the 1906 Great Earthquake and Fire, 这幅16英尺长的传奇画作在1909年酒店盛大重新开业时首次亮相.

皇宫饭店的酒吧, which features wood-paneled walls and a painting titled The Pied Piper of Hamelin.


由Philippe Starck设计, 这家位于联合广场(联合广场)的豪华酒店设有一个高耸的大堂,像是一个设计博物馆, including chairs from Ray and Charles Eames, a coffee table and two lamps by Salvador Dali, and a surreal stool inspired by René Magritte. 经典的红木房间酒吧, paneled with the wood of a single redwood tree, 在Stark重新设计酒店之前,墙上挂着古斯塔夫·克里姆特(Gustav Klimt)的原始平版版画的数字图像. 晚上晚些时候, these images transition to depicting an "意大利 Soap Opera,“一个单恋的故事.



这完全现代化了, stately 100-year-old building is one of San Francisco’s newest hotels, just three blocks from 联合广场. Decorated with 1930's glitz featuring plush fabrics, 漆家具, 镀铬口音, 大厅的特色是Karen LaMonte夜曲系列中的白色青铜礼服雕塑, an artist known for her monumental forms made from cast 玻璃, 陶瓷, 金属和青铜. 俄勒冈州艺术家David Willis的两件吹制和雕刻玻璃作品锚定了菠萝小酒馆的空间 & Bar, with more fine art and commissioned works scheduled for installation.



这座完全现代化的、有着100年历史的庄严建筑距离联合广场只有三个街区. Decorated with 1930's glitz featuring plush fabrics, 漆家具, 镀铬口音, 大厅的特色是Karen LaMonte夜曲系列中的白色青铜礼服雕塑, an artist known for her monumental forms made from cast 玻璃, 陶瓷, 金属, 和青铜. 俄勒冈州艺术家David Willis的两件吹制和雕刻玻璃作品锚定了菠萝小酒馆的空间 & Bar, with more fine art and commissioned works scheduled for installation.



海伦·布鲁顿·贝尔在入口处的精美马赛克瓷砖壁画是这家别致的联合广场酒店的标志性作品. 这家酒店最初建于1908年,是为了1915年的泛太平洋国际博览会, but the 壁画 were not added until 1935 when it was known as the Golden West Hotel.



这家精品酒店位于贝博体彩app的“法国区”,提供51间客房,在那里你会发现富有想象力的装置和前卫的涂鸦艺术作品. 每个房间都有不同的本地或国际街头艺术家,如Shepard Fairey, David Choe, 凯利汤斯顿, 马祖Misk, 飞机马丁内斯, 浅黄色的怪物, 杰里米鱼, 凯西奥康奈尔, 还有更多. Not only will you find art in the rooms, the hotel also functions as an art gallery, which is reflected on all five floors.


圣. 瑞吉酒店贝博体彩app

位于隔壁的 贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆, with an entrance to the Museum of the African Diaspora through the lobby, this sophisticated hotel also has its art collection lining its public spaces. 这是一个非凡的环境, 其中30%是贝博体彩app湾区艺术家的原创作品,还有艺术家艾莉森·罗西特(Alison Rossiter)的当代作品, 汉斯疏勒, Mari-Ruth Oda, 和奇普·库珀. 



距离联合广场仅几步之遥,在贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆和其他博物馆和画廊的拐角处, 这家高端现代酒店提供两次自助游,参观其杰出的当代艺术收藏(礼宾台有小册子)。. 收藏油画90余幅, 雕塑, 打印, and works in 玻璃 by more than 40 California-based artists, the hotel is a must-stop for San Franciscan art lovers and visitors to the city.



毗邻雕塑林立的英巴卡德罗中心(该中心有自己的自助艺术之旅), 这个戏剧性的海滨酒店在高耸的中庭大厅设有一个反射池,这是查尔斯O的设置. 佩里的“Eclipse,” a 40-foot high geodesic sphere consisting of 1,400根弯曲的金属管以五角形连接在一起,由三个巨大的钢腿支撑. 当地和国际艺术家的精美挂毯和绘画也可以在整个酒店找到.



在这家时尚的SoMa酒店三层楼的入口处,有一个充满活力的,超凡脱俗的灯光雕塑:腔” 由MadLab. 这有光泽的, 27-foot mass is reminiscent of bioluminescent jellyfish, 宇宙恒星云, 以及大脑的神经网络. 值机柜台后面的穿孔天花板代表着贝博体彩app的雾, accented by a sculptural piece commissioned to represent the city at night. Gemmiti模型艺术的Lisa Gemmiti和她的团队雕刻了艺术地图的地形,以强调等级的变化, 和2,000 LEDs in four colors on four circuits were installed, 红色LED代表兴趣点,单个紫色LED表示W酒店.



Complete with an elegant chandelier, 装饰艺术风格, 现代艺术, this sexy 198-room SoMa hotel doubles as a hip art gallery, with 绘画 from local museums lining the walls. The middle courtyard is an urban oasis, adorned with fountains and a fire pit, 还有脏习惯餐厅, 酒吧, and patio draw locals and visitors alike.



Surrounded by hiking trails and open spaces, 这家格鲁吉亚复兴风格的酒店位于普雷西迪奥中心,建于1903年.S. 军营. 现在是一个历史地标, the inn’s art program curated by Julie Coyle is an impressive and cohesive collection, providing a true sense of place to where and how San Francisco began. Commissary餐厅也有一些精彩的作品,表达了Presidio的食物历史. 最重要的是, 国际知名艺术家Andrew Goldsworthy发现Presidio是一个鼓舞人心的地方, and it houses four of his installations within walking distance of the inn, 包括他最近的, “地球墙," inside the Hardie Courtyard in the Officer’s Club. 


The LINE贝博体彩app

这家时尚的精品酒店位于土耳其和市场街道上,是贝博体彩app最热门的酒店之一. Thoughtfully designed and radiating California cool, the hotel is decorated in local art and constructed from an eclectic mix of wood, 玻璃, 和金属. 只要有人进入队列, they're presented with a sprawling sculptural installation by Sasinun Kladpetch, constructed of flora from the Presidio. 还有一个由Brute Botanicals设计的现场艺术吊灯和一个由艺术家Laura Plageman设计的照片灯箱. 



Aaron是Digital的经理 & Social 媒体 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. He has lived in San Francisco for over 10 years and has worked in Travel & 其中超过8个是旅游业. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食!